Thursday, January 8, 2009

No Room For Judment Calls In Healthcare

Charlene, I have to respectfully disagree with your reply to Terri. A hypochondrium is a serious illness, mental in nature, but very real for the person afflicted. Studies that occurred in 1990 suggested as truth that hypochondria cal behavior can emerge in the course of any treatment, as a displacement or means of discharge when the patient's psyche is placed under stress. Hypochondria have two elements anxiety, and melancholic depression. It was first studied and addressed by Sigmund Freud in1914 in a paper he wrote called “On Narcissism”.

I could go on and I will give you the link so you can explore. But the point is the physician should never make judgment calls, as what happened to me in my first post. Diseases, disorders effect the whole being and in the above paragraph it shows that the disconnect between caregivers and the patient can actually cause hypochondria.

Would this work? “Sir we did not find anything wrong with you, all your tests came back negative and that is good news. However there can be other causes to why you feel so sick, stress and anxiety can at times make these physical aliments to manifest. I want to refer you to a long time friend and colleague who will help you explore alternate methods and possible medications that can relieve your anxiety and stress. How do you feel about this course of action…?”


History of Hypochondria

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