Saturday, August 1, 2009

Non for Profit Healthcare

Deborah, allow me to expand concerning loss in the private sector with the new reform that I have proposed. The only losers will be the major insurance companies that have monopolized the market and have brought into play all sorts of conditions that are designed only to make them money. It has been since President Nixon introduced it corrupt, and as we have seen in recent news their greed has already caused an implosion and collapse of the entire insurance for profit system.

Simply when concerning healthcare the focus should and cannot be on profit. A thriving Government is contingent on the health and wellness of its population. The healthier the society the more productive and the more that are raised out of poverty the stronger the economy becomes; as it stands now the only recourse for many is to seek help through the acute setting (e.g., emergency rooms) which holds the highest price tag and is absorbed by our Government. In recent news it has been showing that the Government is already picking up 48% of our national healthcare cost and this statistic does not include the recent bailouts. So when it comes to Universal Healthcare we are already half way there.

We need to abolish AIG as it stands now along with the other monopolies including the big drug companies. We need to sever the connected between big for profit greed and the Government and we accomplish this by turning the insurance and drug companies into a non-profit organizations. It will stop the big payoffs that are brought to congressmen through lobbyist when for profit is no longer the focus.

Realize that non-profit organizations do flourish just look at the American Cancer Society which is a non-profit organization and enjoys a profit of $700 million per year. They have access to a myriad of different funding both here and abroad.

Infusing competition back into the market with the focus on quality not profit will greatly lower the price and provide access to preventative care not the acute care that many turn to because of no choice.

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