Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Compassion in Health Care: A class discussion

Julie, I am passionate about my health care career, and it is infectious which instills in me great hope. Learning about such people as Patch Adams who's vision of passion in health care unorthodox to traditional health care gathered like minded souls and created the Gesundheit Institute, proves that one person can change the landscape of how we deliver health care. I am inspired by such people. When a person has such a fire about what they are involved in engaged, and impassioned it has an effect on others.
It is true that the sum of the whole is greater than its parts. It is that way with the administration area of a health care organization. Collectively we the administrators connect all the parts and through our leadership we instill passion in the care givers and always promote the humanistic approach. Not unlike those in the throws of addictions we are, "prominently in the Hospital setting", dealing with people when they are at their worst so we MUST be at our best. No procedure, simple diagnosis, is complete without conveying hope and support throughout the process. It is not what we must walk through in life, but how we walk through it that is paramount.

My land lord here has a mother of 78 who fell and broke her hip and other bones. Now this is not a normal 78 years old she is possibly as active as a 40 year old, knowing this the first thing I asked Vickie how was her thoughts. She explained to me that when it first happened she wanted to give up and just die, but now she is coming to terms with having to slow down. The largest part of patient care is the thought process and helping them through the grief of what ever the prognosis. It is my belief that hope can be present all the way to the last breath and it is that interaction between patient and caregiver that gives our career deep personal satisfaction and drives passion.

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