Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Bible, God’s written word

There are times that I grow weary of the great intellects that put much effort and thought towards the goal to debunk the Holy Bible.  Having four years of higher education I was left knowing I have just scratched the surface of the pursuit of knowledge, humbled by the experience.  In contrast I see other college graduates prideful thinking themselves superior intellectually to those who have not gone through the academic process.

My end experience with college left me wanting more knowledge.  After countless papers being written from the different studies I was engaged in through my pursuit of higher learning, there has been only one book that I have found to be the most profound and it is the bible. 

I was saved on July 16, 1977, in which I entered into priesthood and devoted much time to the study of scripture; however I parted from that path after ten years to pursue a family life.  Four years ago my journey in life led me back to my first Love Jesus.  At which time I poured myself back into scripture but this time it was not an intellectual experience for me.  Suddenly all that I learned in scripture so many years ago was awakened in me as if I had just learned it yesterday. As I read the bible once again I found that what I had read and first learned so many years before, came into a new light, shaking me to the core and fundamentally changed me.  My desires started to change; my personal beliefs were radically re-aliened towards truth. 

 Friends, no other book has given me new life as I pour my life into the study of it.  People have asked, “How can I be so sure the bible is true?”  It is a simple answer; because I bear witness to myself.  I sin less then I once did. 

Once I was controlled by alcoholism for twenty five years in fact.  As my drinking grew in intensity I began to cause great harm and carnage to every life that was in my circle. Some in that circle are still affected by the harm I caused.  December 13, I will be rejoicing and praising Jesus for my 8th year anniversary from alcoholism.

I cannot give credit to myself, because I am now living a life I always wanted but could never do on my own.  Through the help of others Jesus put in my life, through grace the Holy Spirit has imparted to me, and God’s work in bringing the bible to life for me, I stand as a new person, adopted into God’s family.

With all this said I challenge you to pour yourself into the Bible, read the words with your heart and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding, seek understanding with others.  You will find new life, because the words have the power to transform you unlike any other book.  I will leave you with two passages to ponder.
Every scripture inspired of God `is' also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4;12

No amount of intellectual sophistry can convince me that the bible is a lie or that it did not originate from the inspiration of God.  I am a living witness to the otherwise.  For scripture has taught me to walk in greater righteousness.  His word is active and alive which has empowered me to have victory over alcoholism and many other character defects I once walked in. 

Hey share what you just read with a friend!

James Wise a captive of Jesus Christ who has seduced, inspired, and motivated me by his great Love.     

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